

Photographer Lucas Castro Pardo’s images capture an innocent, fresh youth that bring up nostalgic memories of summer days floating away without a care in the world. Currently on a brief trip to Europe, he popped in to the agency, and we had a quick chat with him. With a genuine love of the art, and a raw talent, we have a feeling Lucas is going to go far…

Where are you from?

Buenos Aires

How long have you been in London for?

I came here in November for a week, then I went to Berlin for some work, and now I’m back here for one more week before heading home.

Tell me about how you got into photography?

I started studying engineering because of my family’s business but I soon realised I wanted to be a professional photographer, and started doing my own photo shoots. That’s how I moved into fashion.

Describe your work?

I generally shoot male fashion, but I like portrait photography too.

Who inspires you?

I think I get inspired from life, my friends, and visiting new cities

What is your favourite city?

Right now I really like London, Paris and Berlin. I’d like to move over to Europe but being Argentinian, it’s not so easy.

How do you go about casting a model for a shoot?

I would say I look for an attitude in a model, it’s important to be inspired by your subject.

Are there any other aspects of fashion that you’d like to get into?

Yes, I like directing too. I also like design, but I’m not able to design anything myself!

How do you think photography has changed since you started out?

It’s always changing, everything is moving into video now. I’ve started doing films, I find it interesting that it is not just a picture, but a portrait of movement.

How do you think the two compare?

Well they are very different. In a picture you have to capture one second and reflect everything you want in to that moment, and with film you are able to capture many pictures. They are not the same at all.

How do you go about deciding on a story for a shoot?

I think it comes from living, I get inspiration from everyday life then turn that into a story.

To view more of Luca’s work, visit his website

To view his online magazine, click HERE

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