
Life Beyond the Catwalk ¦¦ Stephanie Hall

New Face Stephanie Hall had no idea that her first Fashion Week would propel her to the top of the fashion radar, with catwalk appearances for the likes of Acne, Versace and Missoni to name but a few. Now back to normal life, studying for her A Levels in college (yes, she's also a straight A student), she talks to Models 1 about her Fashion Week experience.

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You had a pretty crazy time over fashion week. Tell me about that?

It was amazing, I didn’t expect it to be like that. I thought I’d just be going to the country, wondering around and then leaving. I didn’t realise I’d get so many amazing jobs.

What was your favourite show?

Versace. I loved that show, I felt like a Charlie’s Angel. Normally they scrape your hair back and you look like a boy, but they curled it and put loads of make-up on me, I was like “yeah!”

You spend a lot of time in close vicinity with other models. Did you form any new friendships over the weeks?

It was weird, I didn’t realise it would be practically the same models at every show. Every time I went somewhere I’d recognise someone, and it was nice because you have someone to talk to. Normally, if I’m at a casting I wonder how everyone knows each other, but now I know why.

I made a few really good friends in New York that I can get in touch with if I’m over there again.

What was in your Fashion Week survival kit?

Concealer and Carmex. I also always carry cereal bars and water wherever I go, if I don’t have them I get in a panic!

Did you manage to come across any freebees?

From Celine I got a cream leather handbag but I don’t even want to touch it. I’ve left it in the bag because I’m so scared I’ll ruin it. All of the other girls got black ones and that would be fine, but I know if I wore it to college or something I’d get pen on it the first day!

You went straight back to college after Paris. How was it going back to normal life after the craziness that is Fashion Week?

The first day back I was so depressed, I was like “ahh, I want to quit and go back!” All my friends can’t believe all these places I’ve been to and are constantly asking where I’m off to next.

What have you got planned for the rest of the year?

I definitely want to go back to New York. As soon as I came back I was like, “I want to go back!”

Finally, what was your favourite city?

New York of course!

Contact alice@models1.co.uk

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