
Behind the Scenes: M1 Interview ¦¦ Ava Smith

Name: Ava Smith

Age: 24

Birthday: November 4th 1988

Star sign: Scorpio


Where did you grow up?

South side of Chicago


Where is home now?

Brooklyn NY


How were you scouted?

During a summer job I was doing. I worked cleaning beach cottages on Lake Michigan, someone scouted me during my off time when I was on the beach


How long have you been modelling for?  

About 9 years



What are the best jobs you have worked on?  

The ones where I meet somebody and really connect with them.  Its nice having the opportunity to get to know so many different people and potentially make a new friend. Also the exotic trips aren’t too bad.


What is your dream job?

I haven’t quite figured out my “dream job” yet.  I’m sure I need to work for myself and I’d like to feel like my work was benefiting society.   If I liked writing I’d say a journalist- but I’m also not so good with deadlines (as I’m sure certain interviewers have noticed..sorry)


What did you want to be growing up?  

When I was really young I wanted to be the president (didn’t everybody??)  and then eventually I settled for a Secret Agent.  I obviously thought very highly of myself.


How would your friends describe you?

I always ask them and I can never get a straight response. I’m curious how the outside world views me because I’m naturally very private.  I’d presume that that would be how they would describe me along with loyal and impossible to reach on the phone-although I’ve been working on that one.


What is your perfume?

Micheal Kors


What are your favourite beauty products?

I’m in a cream blush mood this spring! But I’m also a firm believer in light natural face moisturizers and hair shampoos- I like the french brand Bioderma. And olive oil bar soaps!


Favourite Film?

Arsenic and Old lace with Cary Grant-I STILL laugh thinking about it.


Favourite Book?  

Super hard question.  Ill have to split it up..Confederacy of Dunces had me laughing out loud in some unfortunate places but it was just too irresistibly funny.  Shantaram was my favorite epic novel-I think I read it once a year. And The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight  should be required reading for all inhabitants of the planet-i want to drop copies if it in airports and coffee shops around the world.


Favourite piece of clothing that you own?

My mom has handmade me a few pieces of clothing so obviously those are pretty special, she just takes forever to  make and send them so it may also be their rarity that makes them such a treasure.  They’re like Haley’s Comet or something like that.


Who is the last person you text?  

My dad (who’s almost 60) has become an avid texter so I like to keep in touch with him that way. He’s a hilarious writer so he always gets me to laugh.


What is the best part of modelling?  

The freedom.  There is no modeling handbook that tells you how to be successful or how to fail-or where it will take you next.  Your always free  to explore as much or as little as you like.  How many other jobs have those possibilities?


What is in your handbag and what is your handbag?

My handbag is usually just my pants pocket with my money clip, phone and house keys.  Minimalist.  Secret agents travel light I hear :-)


Contact: gemma@models1.co.uk


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