Models 1 Model Clinic
We gathered together some industry specialists and main board models to spend one on one time with our new face girls to send them out as prepared as possible into the world of modelling.
The team from Dr. Hauschka very kindly came down to show the models a few tips on skincare and beauty. With over four decades worth of expertise, Dr.Hauschka products deliver a wholly natural skincare range that has rightfully earned them their place as the original and best natural skin care brand.
Why do you think it’s important to hold clinics such as this?
Nicky Clement: Your skin is an essential part of your brand as a model, you are your own paycheque. If you can look better for longer it will serve you well. Dr. Hauschka is a natural brand and we’re concered with keeping skin healthier for longer so it’s perfectly aligned with this industry, for maintaining youth, rather than turning back time or anti-ageing. This clinic is a great opportunity for us to get involved and talk about how to look after your skin.
What is your favourite Dr.Hauschka product?
Nicky Clement: For me, I think it’s really important to keep your skin hydrated. So, not only drinking water but protecting your skin from the elements. It’s really important to start the day with a good moisturiser. So moisturise, moisturise, moisturise and top up with water throughout the day. Rose Day Cream is my moisturiser of choice, it hydrates and is perfect for when you’re travelling. Rose is calming for the skin so it will take away the redness and stress on the skin. If you get a bad reaction to other products, this will help restore it. The great thing is it can take you from teenage year’s right through to when you’re an old lady!
Alex Byrne (make-up artist): My cult product is the Translucent Bronzer concentrate, I love it! Its liquid texture is unlike bronzer powders that leave you looking tangoed or sparkly. It’s a really simple, beautifully coloured, and works on all skin types. I use it to shape cheeks, it makes you look fresh without looking overdone.
Rose is what Dr.Hauschka is associated with. You’ll find that a lot of brands with the same heritage use it. The ingredient that makes it what it is is called Anthyllis, which helps the skin with its renewal and regeneration process. It’s in everything, our night creams and moisturisers and make-up. It’s designed to care for the skin and rose is very effective on skin.
What basic products do you think everyone should be using on a daily basis?
Alex Byrne: I would say cleanse, tone, moisturise. Use your products with continuity. Especially as a model, you don’t have a say over what foundation or mascara gets put on your face. If you moisturise with the same moisturiser in the morning and evening, your skin feels like it’s got some continuity. I think a lot of skin issues can be avoided with a really solid skincare regime. I personally love the Facial Toner, people go crazy for it! Then the Cleansing Milk, followed by Rose Day Cream.
Working alongside other fitness gurus at Bodyism, Nathalie Schyllert trains an enviable list of A-list clients and models, helping them to perfect and maintain long, lean, healthy bodies. As a model herself, she is no stranger to travelling the globe for shoots, adjusting to new time zones and locations, and has built up techniques to keep up health and fitness regimes both on the go and in day to day life.
Why do you think it’s good for models to come along to clinics such as these? How are they beneficial to models starting out in the business?
When you start as a model you don’t have a clue how to behave, a lot of models learn by their mistakes. With these clinics they don’t need to make those mistakes since experienced models, bookers and experts will guide them to success. It not only helps them to start their careers in the right way, but will also help them to work more and have longer careers.
What work out & diet tips were you showing the girls on the day?
I tried to explain to the girls that modelling is a full time job. Even those days that they are not booked in for a paid job they need to work by keeping in shape. They should try to exercise 5 times a week, preferably 2 times yoga and 3 days doing my exercise routines at home or at the gym. They should also try to be more active every day by walking to castings instead of taking the tube whenever possible. I also tried to explain to them, if they train the right way they won’t bulk up in any way. They will just tone up and improve the body’s shape.
I divided the exercises into these 3 sections:
-Toning of butt and legs
-Improving posture and arm definition
-Get a flat tummy with a defined waist
(I will post my next post here on the Models 1 blog)
The girls also got the Clean & Lean book to read as well as my special meal plan. They were recommended to cut down on alcohol, white bread, pasta and potatoes. They could still have some healthy carbs such as quinoa, sweet potatoes and fruit. They should also increases their protein intake slightly and eat plenty of healthy fats. Olive oil, avocado and nuts are great to get in shape and also for skin and hair quality.
What would you say is the workout/stretch most beneficial for a model on a day to day basis?
The Bodyism band is amazing as they can use it at home and whilst travelling. They can use it every day to tone the bum and legs by doing the Bodyism tube walking. Y’s and T’s are also great exercises since they help to improve the posture and will make the girls look taller and slimmer.
“For me living a wonderful life is about staying open through the changes and the difficult times.” Life Coach and artist Cate Mackenzie specialises in building people’s confidence and facilitating them to connect with and create the life of their dreams. As models start working from a young age, it is essential that they get guidence and support from the beginning, and with her wealth of knowledge, Cate was a fantastic eye opener for our new faces.
Why do you think this sort of thing is beneficial to the modelling world?
They do this sort of training in Copenhagen, Australia and Sweden. The girls in Sweden are completely different, they have a confidence about them. This kind of input supports the girls and also the agency. If you put time and effort into your employee’s you will reap the rewards. Over here there are a lot of really young girls doing so many new things, in strange situations all on their own. And really, because they are part of an adult world, people expect them to behave and know things that adults do. People should understand that they don’t know everything right away, and we give them the tools to combat that. Each person has different needs and wants, it can go from body worries to emotional. How do you handle being in London? How do you feel connected and support yourself when you’re feeling quiet and withdrawn? How do you keep opening up and being confident with various people? And finally, how do you stop comparing yourself? It’s about being able to maintain a steady sense of self, whilst being able to let go when you get rejected.
What tips did you give the girls?
Today I did a few body tips. If you put your hands in the air like a champion, you will feel instantly better. When you feel bad you fold in but if you open up, and open up your hands three times, then you’ll feel yourself becoming more open. Maybe when you’re about to turn up to somewhere new and feel frightened, put a song on your iPod that makes you feel good. Maybe also collect CD’s, get some affirmation CD’s that make you feel better. You can always make yourself feel better. Also, keep a diary to release negative thoughts-say what you want and letting go. The key is, really get your practices together. Whatever makes you feel good, keep them near you so you feel steady. I think that’s the way to maintain success, then you have the tools to handle success, and if rejection does come your way you won’t fold. Everyone’s vulnerable. If you’ve got a mental toolbox, even when you’re not feeling fine, you have the tools to deal with that. That’s a really important thing for the models, especially when they are so young. It’s important to stay grounded and realise it is a job, you are perfect as you are even if you don’t get the job.
Do you have any final words of wisdom?
I think the reason some models get booked time and time again is because they are genuinely great to work with. Of course they are booked on beauty but it’s also about their radiance and being comfortable with themselves. The girls today were amazing and committed. It’s a lot about relaxing and being non-judgemental. How can they be kind to themselves?
Thank you to our Main board girls who took the time to help and support our new faces, Victoria Sekrier, Jenny Meister, Thea Owens & Julia Mauelshagen, who worked with the girls on lingerie and swimwear.
Thank you also to our fantastic team of experts!