
Behind the Scenes: Models 1 – Instagram Round Up (BOYS SPECIAL)

With less than a month to go until London Collections: Men we thought that there was no better way to celebrate our boys then to dedicate our Instagram round up to the men’s division…


@harisseoudy is avin a bubble mate !!! @wearecollision



On set with @tommyleewinkworth & @harisseoudy for @wearecollisiontoday. #climbinghype


So happy about this weather! #rain #rain #go #away


New/old hair #selfie #model #gay #malemodel #peaceoff #peace#confidenceback


POW… What you sayin? #tumblr



Good Morning People :)


Wiz #hikari ready to move out tmw emojiemoji # ny #bk #nyc


Sister emoji @chloesantulliana


Me & my Korean brudda @sangwo0. Photo courtesy of@sammysammyk12345 #bitfucked #ohHallo #thenucatchadog #modprobs


This time last year pretty much @ninjasonikflo @harryuzoka @_chuckjunior


Job Done




After shower..lost my brush



X MODELS1 X #official #model #models1uk #portfolio #book #abe #gold#thankful #casio #dare2dream #modelbehavior emojiemojiemoji

Contact: frankie@models1.co.uk/ jamesc@models1.co.uk/ ryan@models1.co.uk

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